Unter dem neugestalteten Veloweg fliesst das erwärmte Seewasser ins benachbarte Wohnquartier.

The connection to the “Anergienetz Altenrhein” during construction work in summer 2022
“For this project, all those involved had to break new ground and thus take a certain risk. Now it has turned into a win-win situation,” says Beat Bosshart, councillor of the village community of Thal, Altenrhein and Staad.

Blick in den geschlossenen Wasserkreislauf des Anergienetzes im UG der BWB-Altenrhein AG
An anergy network is a network of pipelines for the transport of heat at a low temperature level. Smaller temperature differences can thus already be used sustainably.
“Utilizing the waste heat from our production processes makes a lot of sense in the current climate debate,” says Norbert Gächter, Managing Director of BWB-Altenrhein AG.