Opening of the XUND Education Center
The new building on the grounds of the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital provides the infrastructure for training in nursing, biomedical analytics, postgraduate studies and continuing education. BWB was allowed to anodise the defining aluminium facade using the EV1/E6 process. The client opted for a particularly durable, 20µm thick anodised coating.
We wish the learners and students pleasant lessons in the new premises!
With the new XUND building, the premises of the Central Switzerland College of Higher Education in Health (HFGZ) and the Central Switzerland IG Gesundheitsberufe (Zigg), which were formerly spread across the LUKS hospital campus, will be brought together centrally. The 22-meter high new building extends over a length and a width of 42 meters each.
The facade consists of 400 aluminium window elements with vertical aluminium louvers in front of the ventilation sashes. All aluminium parts were colourlessly anodised by BWB in the EV1/E6 process with a layer thickness of 20µm.

Angelo Sardella
Customer Service Manager
+41 58 861 95 50 angelo.sardella@bwb-group.comBWB-Aloxyd AG
Industriestrasse 15
CH-3294 Büren a.A.
+41 58 861 95 00

Daniel Oertle
Division Manager Architecture
+41 76 339 47 39 daniel.oertle@bwb-group.comBWB-Altenrhein AG
Werkplatz Altenrhein
Dorfstrasse 3
CH-9423 Altenrhein
+41 58 861 91 00